There is a way to be totally one with your spouse. 50/50? No, go for more! Each giving 100% in everything! Kindness, compassion, humility, effort, wealth…if you each give 100% then you can be truly one, but you will not be less, you will be more than ever! You will still be yourselves but something more too! So go for broke, throw down the shackles, pray. Pray “You who are One, help us become truly one, in all aspects of our union. And in this most powerful #intimate area, help us discover the way it should be, for we sense that the world is deceiving us, we are missing the true beauty of what is intended for the children of God.” When you ask for help this way, then with God’s help you can pledge to each other not just 50%, not just 100%, but 110%!

110?..Yes 110!  Natural Family Planning is more than just a Fertility Awareness method, it can be a doorway into a totally new way of relating to your spouse and others. But, start with the basics.

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