Feast of Saints Joachim and Anne

Our volunteers chose Sts. Joachim & Anne to be among our patron saints. These are the names traditionally believed to be those of Mary’s parents. Though unnamed in the bible, they certainly existed and raised Mary.  They assisted her on her path to holiness and...

What’s it like taking NFP online?

Here are some excerpts from couples’ responses after taking a recent NFP online class: “Thank you so much for taking the time to teach us more about NFP; the class was very informative! I learned many things about my body that I had no clue about. God truly is...


There is a way to be totally one with your spouse. 50/50? No, go for more! Each giving 100% in everything! Kindness, compassion, humility, effort, wealth…if you each give 100% then you can be truly one, but you will not be less, you will be more than ever! You...

Addressing the Struggles

Recently we were with a friend who said he wished their teaching couple had been a little less enthusiastic about the benefits of NFP. We asked “How do you mean?” He said they were finding NFP a struggle and the teaching couple had been all smiles about how great it...

What is Love?

Jean Vanier, founder of L’Arche homes for developmentally disabled, was asked “What is Love?” His answer is simple, yet striking. “Love is to reveal to someone: “you are beautiful and you have value.” That is the secret of love. It’s not...

A refreshing embrace

God (who is Love) desired to be one with us! So Love became one of us. By becoming a human person Love gave dignity to humanity. God’s was not a partial gift!  It was a full gift.  He even gave his life! If I am to become one with my spouse to image Love to the...