Free film showing Oct 21, 4 pm, at Cedar Lee Theater, 2163 Lee Road, Cleveland Heights, OH 44118

Second film showing Oct 23, 7 pm, at Holy Rosary Parish, 12021 Mayfield Road, Cleveland, OH 44106

Both followed by Q & A, with Fr. Patrick Schultz and Kyle and Katie Taljan, NFP teachers.

This groundbreaking new documentary film examines cultural fallout of the 1960’s “sexual revolution” in context of the controversial Catholic Church document titled “Humanae Vitae,” meaning “human life.” Now considered prophetic, the 1968 document affirmed the goodness of Catholic teaching on love, sex, marriage, parenthood and artificial contraception.


The movie centers on the true life story of secular recording artist Alana Newman, who narrates the film. Conceived by anonymous sperm donation, Alana’s curiosity about her biological father develops into a sense of abandonment, self-doubt, and the feeling she was a “science experiment.” Alana embarks on a search for her father and the truth about human sexuality. She discovers the teachings of Humanae Vitae and Theology of the Body — which transform her views on life, family, sex, marriage and more.

The film also highlights the never-before-told story about the parallel development of the Pill and modern Natural Family Planning (NFP). Learn more at

Free of charge. Facilitated Q&A discussion with audience to follow at both venues.
