Cleveland Marquette Instuctor!

Finally a Marquette instructor in NE Ohio! is over the moon happy to welcome Regina (Gina) Haas to its growing list of NE Ohio natural family planning instructors. You may know that there are different fertility awareness based methods, and one particular...

NEO-NFP hosts FACTS presentation

NEO-NFP was delighted to host FACTS presenter Jessica Davidson yesterday for an enlightening and energetic presentation of the beauty of the female fertility cycle. Pictured FACTS presenter Jessica Davidson, FACTS Project Coordinator Jessica Kramer, Natural Womanhood...

An NFP Journey

In college I began to think more about how I might raise my children. And I was also pondering how, with all the choices, would I choose the good or best thing.  Over time I realized that I had to turn to God in prayer and ask him, only he knew the long term...

Why we started NFP and why we stay

We learned about NFP from our parish priest at our marriage prep classes. Although we didn’t understand fully the “why’s” of the Catholic Church’s teaching, we knew the “what”of its teaching, and we wanted to embrace those...