Rules.  Yes, rules are good.  We sometimes admire the rule breaker, perhaps because we are careless, but sometimes because the rule breaker has new insights. But these are exceptions, in general the rules aid us.  Stop lights and traffic signs, being polite, don’t get too close to the edge!  Sexual liberation was promoted as a new insight, the freedom to use sex as a form of recreation.  But it broke the deep rules. Rules formed by man’s Creator, not by man.  Whether intentional or not, breaking the deep rules of our sexuality leads to sexual addictions (use of self and others), emptiness, and impairment to the capacity for true relationship. Friend, develop gratefulness for rules which protect the sacredness of you and your beloved.  Explore the rules which tie your spiritual/physical beings, created as men and women, to your behaviors of dedication, respect and faithfulness.  Explore again those rules, which perhaps you have put aside, for their deep meaning and  the truths they signify.

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